2024 - The Year of the Wood Dragon
The wood dragon is calling us to try new things, test out new ideas and have FUN!
In the Chinese Lunar Calendar, 2024 marks the year of the Wood Dragon.
The energy of the wood dragon is calling us to emerge, expand and explore!
It’s a playful energy that is moving us from the “darkness” of the water element (last year was the year of the Water Rabbit) into the expansive wood element.
This year will be refreshing, enlivening, renewing, illuminating, explorative and importantly…FUN!!! It’s a year to try new things, test out new ideas and theories, create new projects. The key being “new.” This energy is likened to being a teenager…trying new things, figuring out who we are.
And like the teen years, there is the potential for things to be a bit wild, bumpy and impulsive. Self-care and practices to stay grounded are paramount. It’s also possible that frustration, anger and impatience may arise. So self-reflection is an important practice to cultivate as is compassion to yourself and others.
Finally, this is the year of the DRAGON — a mythical and magical beast. It can not be contained or controlled so, friends, our advice is to buckle up and ENJOY THE RIDE!
For more info about the wood element, check out this blog article: Transition Into Spring - The Wood Element